This site is like a library, use search box in the widget to get ebook that you want. I just received a response from ramshotaccurates ballistician after showing them speers response that 8. Free reloading instructions and reloading data the high road. The big disadvantage of the capsules is they must be made of very fragile plastic so they break apart on firing. For rifle and pistol by reseach staff at speeer omark industries and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at. August 11th, 2018 speer releases handloading manual number 15. Weve built upon the lawenforcement proven gold dot g2 bullet, optimizing the design for compact concealed handguns. Do not smoke, eat, or drink in your reloading area or while you are reloading 10. For firsttime reloaders or handloading veterans, speers manual no. Theyre built for accuracy and the most consistent expansion at extreme distances. This guide is not intended to be a reloading textbook, but rather a list of recommended loads for accurate and ramshot powders. Hodgdon, imr, and winchester smokeless propellants. Wanting to load up rounds for a 9 year old to deer hunt with.
Reloading data 9mm luger 9mm parabellum speer reloading. Then select your bullet weight, powder manufacturer and powder type. Powderi velocity g 2300 2400 2450 2500 2550 2575 2600 power pro varmint 21. Always make certain that you use the correct ammunition in your rifle. The definitive guide for novice to expert lyman reloading handbook, 49th edition hornady reloading handbook 7th edition speer reloading manual number 14 nosler reloading book no. Have had them leave chucks of themself in the wound channels on pigs and deer when fired from the 9,3x62 and the3 9,3x74r. While lymans pdf will give you the basics please dont forgo the purchase of a real manual. Refer to the current speer reloading manual for handloading instructions. The most uptodate and comprehensive 223 rem data available new data for. Never use this data for powders that may have similar numerical designations.
Handgun the handgun section contains loads for the more popular. Looking for loading data for a 165 grain soft point bullet. But, the case would have to be trimmed more than that for the. I saw this bullet tested on johnnys reloading bench and very impressed with the expansionmushroom tests. Reloading manual number nine for rifle and pistol research staff of speer on. Set your sights on pistol reloading data hodgdon reloading. The nosler reloading guide 8 is the go to information source when handloading and reloading ammunition. Reloading guide 8 nosler bullets, brass, ammunition. Powders include winchester, alliant, imr, accurate, hodgdon, vihtavuori. View our reloading tool and pdf data files for handgun here. Hornady handbook of cartridge reloading 9th edition. Speer shot capsules are available in 38, 44 and 45. Caterpillar equipment heavy machinery careers about amazon investor paypal account to purchase.
Includes information on 26 nosler, 28 nosler and 30 nosler. Shipments of this new book are being delivered to dealers now. The capsules also come with a cupped plastic gas seal wad which works better than a card wad. Speer reloading manual number 11 hardcover january 1, 1991 by speer author 4. If youre unsure, or just want options, check as many boxes as youd like. Hornady 9th edition handbook of cartridge reloading. View our reloading tool and pdf data files for rifle here. The next reloading data tool on our list is vihtavuoris reloading data guide. Lacks the most recent powders universal, titegroup, power pistol, etc but gives great data from an era before the manuals became watered down. Ive tested the speer 124 gds in a glock 19 using unique powder, win cases, and cci 500 primers.
But heres a sample of what accurate said about their load data vs speer. Rifle reloading data u00ae rifle reloading data disclaimer. This is why i recommend several manuals, especially one from any company whose particular bullets are being reloaded. The following post includes loading data beyond currently published maximums for this cartridge. Handloading speer gold dot bullets using speer gold dot rifle bullets for ammo reloading provides optimal performance in artype rifles and carbines. Powders include alliant, vihtavuori, accurate, hodgdon, winchester, imr. Data is listed for most popular rifle, pistol, and shotshell cartridges.
Sierra reloading manual pdf book manual free download. Choose your category rifle, pistol, or cowboy action shooting, choose your caliber, and then find your bullet and powder type on the table for your minimum and maximum loads, or browse the data table to help you find the. The reloading tables use a variety of powders from several different manufacturers but since this is a speer manual, reloading data is for speer bullets only. Speer reloading manual for wildcat cartridges download. A big advantage of the capsules is the ability to load more shot without having to use special brass. A reloading website reload ammo by md smith reloading the. This new edition is speers largest volume yet, featuring updated recipes with the latest propellants for more than 120 legacy cartridges, as well as data for new cartridges, including 204. Be thoroughly familiar with those instructions before using. Click download or read online button to get speer reloading manual for wildcat cartridges book now. Using bullets from speer tmj match swc, speer gdhp or tmj fn, speer tmj fn, tmj match swc or gdhp, speer lswc, speer colt jhp, speer tmj rn, speer gdhp sb or gdhp, speer lrn. Sierra reloading manual free download sierra 5th edition reloading manual free download sierra bullets reloading data 41 bing hornady handbook of cartridge reloading 9th edition reloading manual reloading manual number 9 speer 14 reloading manual vihtavuori reloading manual vihtavuori reloading manual 3rd ed imr s latest reloading manual read. For the most comprehensive up to date reload data, including the most recent new caliber introductions, go to the reloading data center at, or call 93629455 for customer service.
Alliant powder reloaders guide this unique max seems to be 45 colt specific as on the same website for 44 mag, it shows 240 grain lead swc max at 11. All the loads on these pages are pressure tested according to the c. Loading data is available in the speer reloading manual. Compact pistols have never offered this level of protection. Reloadoc orange county reloading supply 3,582 views 7. Using bullets from speer gdhp or tmj rn, speer tmj rn, ucsp or gdhp, speer gdhp or tmj fn. Speer releases handloading manual number 15 daily bulletin. I just read of someone who was using a reloading manual going back to. Nose shape seems to promote curved tracks after impact as well. I have something i need referenced and my manual was borrowed and not returned.
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